
This article describes ten techniques that any member of a project team can use to help decision-makers make better-informed decisions in PreDesign, Design, and Construction.

You Cannot Speak of the Ocean to a Well Frog (Getting Decisions that Stick Part II)

In the first part of this series Getting Decisions that Stick, we looked at the psychology of decisions and what information people need to make informed decisions. This article describes ten techniques to help decision-makers make better-informed decisions in PreDesign, Design, and Construction. Such decisions are more likely to “stick,” […]

You Cannot Speak of the Ocean to a Well Frog (Getting Decisions that Stick Part II) READ MORE

McGough Constructions headquarters, the first Lean IPD project for Rebecca Celis, HGA

Learnings from the Field: An Architect’s Musings from Her First IPD Project

When HGA agreed to join McGough Construction on their first contractual IPD project, I jumped feet first into a trial-by-fire arrangement. Our project – McGough’s own new corporate headquarters in Roseville, MN – was a unique one, since McGough served a dual role as both Owner and Contractor. As trusted

Learnings from the Field: An Architect’s Musings from Her First IPD Project READ MORE

Work planning for designers in lean construction by Markku Allison

Lean Construction: Improving Your Team Performance One Habit at a Time

Humans are generally resistant to change. Change requires courage, trust, and faith. We tend to stick to long-formed habits even when we realize that they are hindering progress or create pain. Forming and establishing new habits requires effort and commitment. Sometimes, painful experiences. How does this relate to Lean construction

Lean Construction: Improving Your Team Performance One Habit at a Time READ MORE

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