
This article describes ten techniques that any member of a project team can use to help decision-makers make better-informed decisions in PreDesign, Design, and Construction.

You Cannot Speak of the Ocean to a Well Frog (Getting Decisions that Stick Part II)

In the first part of this series Getting Decisions that Stick, we looked at the psychology of decisions and what information people need to make informed decisions. This article describes ten techniques to help decision-makers make better-informed decisions in PreDesign, Design, and Construction. Such decisions are more likely to “stick,”

You Cannot Speak of the Ocean to a Well Frog (Getting Decisions that Stick Part II) READ MORE

Collaboration in LeanIPD construction projects

Are You Collaborating or Muddling Through Your Construction Projects?

In many presentations, I have asked these questions:   “How many of you consider yourselves to be effective collaborators?” (Most people raise their hands) “How many of you have worked with someone who wasn’t an effective collaborator? (Everyone raises their hands) “And if those people were in the room today,

Are You Collaborating or Muddling Through Your Construction Projects? READ MORE

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