Online learning, IPD online course, IPDA

Why Consider the IPD Introduction Online Course?

​​As industries evolve and commercial construction projects become increasingly complex, traditional project management methods often fall short of fostering the seamless coordination and synergy required for success. This is where Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) steps in as a game-changer. 

Our online course Introduction to IPD, designed by LeanIPD and IPDA (Integrated Project Delivery Alliance), has been meticulously crafted to not only provide construction professionals with a good understanding of whether IPD fits their project and organization but also empower them with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a collaborative project environment.

Over the past decade, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) has emerged as an important alternative to traditional forms of project delivery. Its adherents have reported improvements in cost, schedule, and quality, achieved in an atmosphere that is less adversarial and more collaborative.

IPD is an intentional process driven by continuous improvement

IPD is also the only model that transparently links design and construction partners with the owner in a shared risk/reward model. This means that when the project goes well, everyone makes more money. When the project doesn't go to plan, the entire team is affected – regardless of fault. 

In practice, this pulls the team closer together when something goes wrong – which usually happens – instead of pushing them apart. With the open-book nature of the contract, changes can be implemented quickly and fairly, with the owner paying for the costs of changes and no one overcharging or working for free.

Because IPD is cost-based and team-managed, it inherently requires greater leadership and administrative effort than a lump sum, hierarchical project. Therefore, it is critical, before commencing an IPD project, to evaluate the project and assess the organization’s culture, capabilities, and resolve. Moreover, a good IPD owner does more than just participate; he or she is a facilitative leader who models collaborative behavior and embraces change. 

What course participants will learn

In six modules, delivering 2.5 hours of content, the course covers 

  • When to consider IPD (and when not)
  • How to validate projects
  • How to set up financials and negotiate the deal
  • The purpose of target value design
  • What to do when something goes wrong, and how to fix it


With the completion of the course and passing an assessment, participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from IPDA and Lean IPD. 


Taking construction projects to the next level

Introduction to IPD is for intermediate-level construction professionals who want to learn more about delivering complex projects on time, on budget, and with the originally intended scope and value proposition.


James Pease, Executive Director - Design and Construction Executive Director - Design and Construction UCSF Medical Center, lean consultant, founder of leanIPD blog

James is an expert in the set-up and structure of large, complex capital projects using Lean and Integrated Project Delivery to drive highly reliable results.

He has negotiated IPD contracts and delivered over $650M in complex healthcare projects as an Owner's Representative with multiparty contracts, aligned team incentives and collaborative delivery models.

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